Mar 25, 2024: Edition 205
Our appreciation goes to The Mobile Vet Nurse & Companion Animal Psychology for spreading this awareness.
Companion Animal Psychology: (excerpt from article shared below) "Rabbits had the third highest intake level of companion animals after cats and dogs, but the fourth highest level if you also include farm birds (such as chickens and geese).
Owner surrender was the most common reason for a rabbit entering a shelter (77%), followed by strays (16%)."
Sits & Wiggles: "Easter will soon be upon us. Yes, we can all agree that bunnies are adorable. Yet; just like any living creature; they are a lifelong commitment. Countless people acquire new pets without researching the care requirements & considering the time investment. If you'd like your child to see a living rabbit, consider visiting a rescue shelter. While there, you may also be able to spend time with the adoptable cats & dogs. (Every rescue shelter may have different safety guidelines, so please contact them before visiting.)
We absolutely endorse rescuing over shopping. There are so many animals living without families, homes, stability, consistent love & affection, etc. I am not discounting the love that they should receive from the shelter workers & volunteers. These people do amazing heart work & we're deeply grateful for them! I simply mean that a loving, stable & appropriate family & home is what we all want for every shelter animal.
Please invest your time & energy into researching not only breed & species specific details, but also the ways in which your family will be affected. Yes, we know the mental & physical benefits of adopting pets. Yet, have you considered the other aspects? The commitments include time, energy & monetary investments:
providing exercise
providing affection & mental stimulus
visiting the vet
purchasing supplies & medications
purchasing food & supplements
saving for potential injury & illness
anticipating increased medical costs for aging pets
hiring groomers if applicable
hiring pet sitters while traveling
hiring dog walkers & trainers if applicable
creating a safe & engaging environment
ensuring that family members aren't allergic
ensuring that any existing & future pets are safe with this pet
staying up to date on current scientific research findings
creating a plan for appropriate, willing & loving homes for your pets in case you predecease them
If the pet is cared for by your children, will you take over if they move away to college or to start their career? Will they take the pet with? If the pet is yours, will you still be able to travel? What if (in the future) you have a child who is allergic? Or you marry someone who is? What if your income decreases suddenly due to layoffs, injury or illness?
Please consider all aspects & scenarios PRIOR to adding a new family member. They are completely dependent upon you for protection, food, love, etc." -Nalina Matthews
