Dec 2, 2023: Episode 155
There are multiple reasons for this post. Bragging is not one of them. Sits & Wiggles is; & always has been; transparent with our education, skills & knowledge. We also are up front with the public about which training philosophy we adhere to.
"Fear Free / Rewards Based / Force Free / Positive Reinforcement / No Harm" techniques have been scientifically proven to be the most effective & the most humane, and are recommended by countless veterinarians, etc. Patience, compassion & an ability to read & respect body language are components of Fear Free practices. We do not use threats of fear or pain. We will not hit, kick or yell at your beloved pets. Yes, some "care providers" do these things, and worse. Nor do we utilize shock, prong or choke collars. Sits & Wiggles is committed to helping your animals, not harming them.
I hope to inspire others to consider learning about these practices.