Feb 6, 2024: Edition 179
I will never claim to be perfect. Anyone who does is fooling themselves. Every human is fraught with imperfection. I say that we're all perfectly imperfect. My husband has an alternate view, and sees everyone perfect as is.
I am, however, honest, transparent, loving, etc. I have an idea, which is of course motivated by love. I need to empower pet parents in the name of safety. Pet care is, unfortunately, an unregulated industry. No standard license, training, insurance or qualifications are required. There aren't predetermined rates, policies or procedures.
I have always freely offered my pet care contract to pet parents and care providers alike. Perhaps pet parents should create their own contract for their providers to sign. There's no reason why a pet parent shouldn't be able take the reins. Should a provider disagree with the terms of the contract, they are free to decline the job.
From my experience, many sitters don't have a contract at all, whereas others may have a simplistic one. In order to protect yourself, your family & home, you may present your own contract for the provider to agree or decline. Add whatever provisions are important to you. My contract may be used as a template or brainstorming inspiration. Or, perhaps you don't like or agree with mine. You may create your own from pieces of contracts which you do like. This blank page may very well become an important document in the name of safety.